15 Seconds Before Death

Photo: Dr. Jeff In Bomb Shelter

If you dare watch the video below…

The last several years Israel Today Ministries has blessed children in Sederot, Israel, just North East of Gaza, with urgently needed meals.  It is estimated that somewhere between 5,000 to 8,000 rockets have exploded in this city.

Hamas is relentless in firing deadly missiles into Israel – into this city of 30,000 people. Recently, in April Hamas launched an anti-tank missile hitting a school bus in Israel, injuring two including a child.  The 16-year-old boy was airlifted to Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba.

If  Israel launched over 8,000 rockets into Gaza, or the West Bank, the world would cry out in protest calling for the arrest of Israeli war criminals.  Because it is Hamas launching rockets against the Jew – the World is silent.

Parnter with us in blessing the children in this war-torn area with a meal and a good word about Messiah Jesus.

Pray as to what God would have you do and then send a generous Christmas gift to Israel Today Ministries. What better time and what better cause than to give your year-end gift to bless God’s ancient people.

You want to more clearly understand what is happening today?  Know that it will get worse in the near future…watch the video below… if you truly want to understand watch the video.

Warning:  this video is very graphic.  The children have 15 seconds to find shelter when the siren goes off!


Send your special gift today and pray for the salvation of God’s ancient people!

Shalom and Blessings,

Until He comes, we are

Together Under His Wings,

Dr. Jeff

Time is short, Life is precious, and Jesus is coming soon!