Israel Today Resources:
Hope Rising, Messianic Promise Recommended donation: $20.00
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Song of Song: The Greatest Lover Recommended donation: $18.00
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Divine Mysteries Recommended donation: $15.00
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About Dr. Jeff
A dedicated expositor, and bible teacher with expertise in Jewish roots of Christianity, the Middle East, and theology feeding thousands in the Middle East!
He is a pastor, humanitarian, educator, and author. His books/articles address the Jewish roots of Christianity, biblical prophecy, theology, and adventure.
He has been interview by various podcasts and news outlets such as CBN and the Jerusalem Post.
Dr. Jeff has an intense love for Israel and her Messiah. He is motivated by intellectual curiosity, devotion to historic biblical truth and spiritual awareness. He passionately emphasizes, “As you bless one child, it is as though you are blessing Messiah himself” (Matthew 25:40; Proverbs 14:21).

What Pastors Say:
Dr. Jeff Johnson is our guest speaker today. He’s an exceptional teacher of the Word, with a passion for the Scriptures that captivates his audience and leaves them eager for more. He and his wife, Louise, have been serving people in the Middle East for many years. Children are a top priority of their ministry. – Beth Yeshua Congregation, Fort Worth, Texas
Jeff Johnson is a great teacher of the Word. He has a passion for the Word of God and is able to communicate it in such a way that people crave for more. He connects with his listeners and passionately builds an enthusiasm for what he is teaching. I believe he is one of the great prophecy teachers of our day. He has been at my church many times and is always greatly received. I recommend him highly. – Dave Brown, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, East Longmeadow, MA
Dr. Jeffrey Johnson has spoken here at Grace Bible Church a number of times during my 15-year pastorate in this parish. He has always been well received, delivering messages that are solidly prepared, soundly biblical, and sweetly presented. Jeffrey has a good grasp of history and theology, and that comes across powerfully as he talks about Israel and the Middle East which are much on his mind and heart. I would recommend him highly to other church leaders looking for both a capable communicator and loving person wrapped up in one package. – Pastor Bill Bjork, Grace Bible Church, Sun City, AZ
Dr. Jeff Johnson is a partner in ministry and a personal friend. I have hosted him on multiple occasions, both for preaching and bible study series. He is an excellent Biblical scholar and teacher. God has given him a passion for the gospel and uniquely gifted him to take the gospel to the people of Israel. I highly recommend him to you and encourage you to consider supporting his ministry! – Dr. Chris Shirley, Lead Pastor, NorthPointe Church Burleson, Texas
We have had Jeff Johnson with us at Heritage several times. I have found him to be a humble and gracious guest each time. He has blessed our people and given enlightening messages. His active ministry to the poor Holocaust survivors and orphans in Israel is an inspiring means of demonstrating the love of Christ and thereby opening hearts to the Messiah. – Curt Rowe, Senior Pastor, Heritage Baptist Church, Springfield, MA
You will find Brother Johnson to be a most capable expositor of the Scriptures. He loves the Word of God and is able to convey his convictions of biblical truth in an effective warm-hearted way. He loves the people and nation of Israel. He has given himself to a thorough study of God’s ancient people and of the prophetic Scriptures concerning them. Any church that has Dr. Johnson for a bible conference ministry will be the richer for it. – Ivan H. French, Pastor Emeritus, Pleasant View Bible Church, Professor, Grace College and Seminary

What Scholars Say:
“Thank you, Dr. Johnson! You are a model … of irenic, pastoral interaction with others.”
–Angie Velasquez Thornton, Missionary with Crossworld since 2005 B.A., Political Science (UCLA) M.A., African Area Studies (UCLA) MDiv (Moody Theological Seminary)
“Jeff Johnson has a heart for all the people of the Holy Land. He reaches out with the love of Yeshua (Jesus) to the poor via a cup of cold water and to the successful via an illustration of what true success in life looks like through a relationship with Messiah Jesus.”
–Dr. Amy Downey, Director/President, Tzedakah Ministries
“Has for many years faithfully preached the Word of God with accuracy and insight…an able expositor of the Word of God.”
–John Walvoord, Dallas Theological Seminary
“A careful expositor of Scripture who has a particular interest in prophecy and Jewish studies.”
–Homer Kent, Grace College and Seminary
“A practitioner of all that he preaches.”
–Paige Patterson, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
“I heartily recommend Jeffrey Johnson and his ministry.”
–Edgar C. James, Moody Bible Institute
“I warmly recommend Jeffrey D. Johnson as a Bible Expositor with special insights on the origin, nature and destiny of God’s chosen people Israel.”
–Dr. John C. Whitcomb, Bible Scholar, Author, Professor
“Jeff Johnson is a person who has been uniquely prepared by God to preach and teach about God’s special people. Anyone who hears him will come away with a great love for the people of Abraham.”
–Dick Dahlquist, Chair, Pastoral Studies, Acting Dean, Grace College of Graduate Studies
“I commend and recommend with great enthusiasm the ministry of Jeffrey Johnson. He has a gifted teaching ministry which encompasses Biblical prophecy and insights into mondern-day Judaism.”
–Paul Tassell, Bible Scholar, Author, National Representative of the G.A.R.B.C.
“I recommend him without reservation.”
–LaVerne Butler, President of Mid-Continent Baptist College, Bible Scholar
“Your heart will be thrilled as he ministers the prophetic Scriptures”.
–Alden A. Gannett, President Emeritus of Southeastern Bible College, Bible Scholar, Author, President, Gannett Ministries
“The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has worked with Israel Today Ministries for many years and acknowledges the support in particular that this organization has given to the less privileged and needy in Israel. We are honoured and proud to be working with Israel Today Ministries and have no hesitation in recommending them to other interested groups, individuals and organizations.”
–Malcolm Hedding, Executive Director, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

Educational History
PhD, Louisiana Baptist University
MA, Moody Bible Institute
BD, Massillon Baptist College
Doctoral Research, University of South Africa (Christian Spirituality)
Evangelical Theological Society Member
American Society of Church History Member
Member LCJE
* Dr. Jeff has taught scripture in hundreds of churches and conferences throughout the United States, Europe, Middle East and Asia.
* Also, visiting professor/speaker:
– Conference on Prophecy and the Jew, Winona Lake, Indiana
– Harvard University – Greek Bible Institute (Athens, Greece)
– Ariel Ministries – Arizona College of the Bible
– MJAA Dallas Conference – IMI Bible Conferences
– Southwestern Baptist Seminary – Massillon Baptist College
– Arlington Baptist College – Louisiana Baptist University
– Tennessee Temple University – Int’l Christian Embassy, Jerusalem
– Oxford University – Dallas Int’l University
* Also, as an adjunct professor, Dr. Jeff taught a class on Judaism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas for one term, and Systematic Theology for five years at Arlington Baptist University, Arlington, Texas.
Trip to Israel, November 4-16, 2019, on behalf of Israel Today Ministries, by John O. Sloan, ITM Board Member
The following are reflections and insight regarding our trip to Israel, Nov 4-16, 2019, with Dr. Jeffrey Johnson, President of Israel Today Ministries.
A fruitful ministry comes from a passion for those you are seeking to bless, but also seeking to know them for who they are – their culture, family heritage and present living condition. This trip confirmed and gave greater insight to Dr. Jeff’s understanding of Israel as it is today. Given the countries diversity this is not easily gained. He grasps her biblical heritage and historical events that made her the country she is today. But added to this is his pressing desire to understand the diverse people that make up the country. His relationship with Christian leaders serving in the country, with Israeli civic leaders, with Messianic Jews, with Palestinian Pastors and church members, with Armenian believers, with shop owners and drivers, etc. enables him to grasp the “heart beat” of the country. Through this understanding ITM can bless Israel and give witness to her Messiah…
…As mentioned earlier, Dr. Jeff’s relationships with those in different walks of life enables ITM to bless Israel. On Saturday, we worshiped at a Messianic Congregation in Jerusalem lead by “J” and his wife “M,” friends of Dr. Jeff for many years. Patterned after gathering of believers in the New Testament times, this worship experience was a blessing. Worshiping with this congregation helps believers understand what the Apostle Paul wrote about in Romans 11, how believing Gentiles are indebted to God’s people, Israel. Or, there was our visit with “R,” an Armenian Christian Catholic living in Old Jerusalem. His home has been in the family for generations. He had been a faithful driver for Dr. Jeff traveling throughout Israel. These relationships help ITM “to fulfill the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:1-3) in practical and profound ways through humanitarian relief and teaching Scripture.” (from “Why We Exist” by Dr. Jeff)…
…Our trip did strengthen the ongoing work and lay the ground work for future outreach. The many contacts during the trip reflected how supporting ITM is an investment in God’s Kingdom. (*modified to respect privacy and cultural sensitivities)
Why We Exist
Israel Today Ministries exists to fulfill the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:1-3) in practical and profound ways through humanitarian relief and teaching Scripture.