Israel Today Resources:
Hope Rising, Messianic Promise
Recommended donation: $20.00
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Song of Song: The Greatest Lover
Recommended donation: $18.00
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Divine Mysteries
Recommended donation: $15.00
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Hope Rising, Messianic Promise
Recommended donation: $20.00
ACLU, Ten Commandments & Israel
A few years ago a town in the US had a problem with erecting the Ten Commandments in a park,  something to do with the ACLU. Anyway, in the area of Ariel (north central Israel) community leaders were asked if they wanted this stone replication of the guidelines God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. They said, “Yes, we have no problem with what Moses brought down the mountain.”  So there is the photo of Louise, me, couple of our friends and civic leaders in north-central Israel with the Ten Commandments shipped to Israel from the US, from an American city that rejected the religious template. Notice the flags that were put on the top.
Shalom and Blessings,
Until He comes, we are
Together Under His Wings,
Dr. Jeff
Time is short, Life is precious, and Jesus is coming soon!