Israel Today Resources:
Hope Rising, Messianic Promise Recommended donation: $20.00
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Adonai Elohim
Adonai Elohim
Moses penned the sacred words of the creation story with great specificity.
Chapter One
In chapter one of Genesis you will find phrases such as: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” “Then God said.” “And God saw.” “God called.” “So God created.”
Chapter Two
By the time, we arrive in chapter two, you will find that Moses changes his emphasis: “And the LORD God formed man.” “The LORD God planted.” “The LORD God said.” “The LORD God Caused.” “The LORD God called.”
Do you see the difference? In chapter one, Moses penned the word “Elohim” translated in English as “God.” Elohim describes God as the Sovereign Architect of Creation, the Judge, or the One who decides and determines. “Elohim created.” “Elohim called.” The “Sovereign Judge” – the One who determines created and called, had set things in order.
The Change
Now in chapter two, Moses changes it up for a very important reason. He uses the words “YHVH Elohim,” or as it is in English, “LORD God.” YHVH is called the tetragrammaton, which is the transliteration, in four letters, of the unspeakable name of God.
The Name
Jews will not attempt to speak, nor write the unspeakable name of God. The will say, “HaShem,” which means “The Name,” or “Adonai,” which means LORD. When writing the unspeakable name of God, Jews will write, “G-d,” “L-rd,” “HaShem,” or “Adonai.”
YHVH emphasizes the “mercy” of God. Why was Moses highlighting the concept of a “Merciful Judge” in chapter two? Because, man was being created. The pinnacle of Creation was about to happen – Man and Woman.
The Sovereign All-knowing Judge knew that Man and Woman would need mercy. And indeed, mercy was given as God was first to shed blood in Genesis chapter three, and finally at Calvary, to cover and forgive their sin.
The Covenant
In the Middle East when you are a guest in someone’s home, there is an unspoken covenant between you and that family. As a guest, you are considered family, in which, they will protect you, shelter you, and feed you – they would risk their lives for you. I first learned of this unspoken covenant some fifteen years ago, when I was hosted by a Palestinian Christian family, and terrorist activity was prevalent. I felt safe and loved.
Hiding Place
So, it is with YHVH. This is what is being said in the Psalms:
“But YHVH has been my defense, and my Elohim [is] the rock of my refuge” – Psalm 94:22.
“I will love You, O YHVH, my strength. The YHVH is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My EL(ohim), my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” – Psalm 18:1, 2.
“You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah” – Psalm 32:7.
The “merciful God,” “Adonai Elohim” provides, provision, protection, a place of refuge, shelter, a hiding place, and forgiveness. He is our dwelling place, our tent, our covering, our Savior.
The children and Holocaust survivors we help feed need to be introduced to this Merciful God – His name is “Yeshua” (meaning salvation), in English he is known as Jesus. Or, Adonai Yeshua, the LORD Jesus – which is saying that Jesus is YHVH, the unspeakable Name, who became flesh, and dwelt among us.
Your generosity and prayers are urgently needed. Stand tall with us, as together we bless God’s ancient people Israel!
Until He comes, we are
Together Under His Wings,
Dr. Jeff
Time is short, Life is precious and Jesus is coming soon!
You give, so they can live!