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A Time to Mourn!

Ecclesiastes 3:4 it says there is a “time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” I cannot speak for anyone else, but, for me, it is a time for mourning. I feel as if I have been in that period of mourning since October 7, 2023…
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I Couldn’t Protect You!

I couldn’t protect you! Arriving at the Kibbutz, the cousin of Yarden met us as we walked together toward the lobby.  A few moments later Yarden walks in.  His eyes were tired, as he extended his hand to me. We exchanged cordial introductory comments, I introduced Louise, and then the heartfelt conversation began. I first…
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Women with “Fire”

Women with “Fire” Paul was blessed to have godly women working with him in ministry.  Here is a list for you to peruse: Chloe, Priscilla, Phoebe, Mary, Junia, Tryphaena, Tryphosa, Persis, Mother of Rufus, Julia, Olympas, Euodia, Syntyche, Nympha, Apphia, Claudia (I Cor. 1:11; 16:19; Romans 16:1, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 15; Phil. 4:2;…
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Hineni – “Here I am”

Hineni – “Here I am”  Two of the greatest figures in the Bible are Abraham and Moses.  Both were called by God.  Both answered with the same Hebrew word, Hineni (He-nay- nee), “Here I am.” The word Hineni involves a wiliness, a readiness, a conviction, no matter one’s state of mind. Abraham For Abraham (Genesis…
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God’s Plan Drips!

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem   King David in the Psalms of Accent gives a petition to “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem”. The prayer and the Psalms to follow were sung by pilgrims as they made their way up to God’s chosen city. The text reflects the Abrahamic promises and the future Messianic…
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Broken Pieces!

Broken Pieces, Leaven Bread & Shavuot Moses Shavuot, or Pentecost memorializes Moses’ accent up Sinai where he met with God receiving the Decalogue (10 Commandments) written on two stone tablets by God Himself, the Torah, and instruction regarding building the Tabernacle. He was there for 40-days and nights (Exodus 19 – 32; Deuteronomy 9:9 –…
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Very Personal!

Very Personal  Psalm 139 is very personal.  David paints for us the intimacy he feels toward God. There is a depth here understanding the miracle and comfort of God’s absolute sovereignty.  In verse 13, David walks us through the mystery of God’s mastery over the gestation process of life itself. “For You formed my inward…
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Mystery of the Olive Tree!

The Olive Tree  Symbols: The Olive Tree is a symbol of Israel. Olive trees appear in the emblems of both the State of Israel, as well as the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The olive tree is also a symbol of peace, hope, and many other qualities that are important to Israel and the Jewish people. Striking:…
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What Jewish People Believe!

What Jewish People Believe A Look at Judaism – What Jewish People Believe Four Main Divisions of Judaism: Orthodox Orthodox Judaism believes in a personal Messiah, who though not divine, is super-human. They also embrace the authority of the Scriptures in conjunction with tradition. Conservative Conservative Judaism is, philosophically, the middle of the road Judaism.…
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A time to mourn, but there’s more!

What comfort can be offered to the mother of a murdered son? Hersh kissed his mother good-bye after synagogue Friday night. The 23-year-old was heading out to a music festival with his buddy. It was the next morning that this festival became the main stage in Hamas’s surprise attack and massacre killing innocent hundreds. That…
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