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Messed Up!

Messed up! Second Passover God is a God of second chances.  For example, Peseach Sheni means “Second Passover.” One year after the Exodus, God instructed the people of Israel to celebrate Passover on the fourteenth-day of Nissan (springtime), to bring an offering, and to reenact the eating of the various foods as they had done…
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The Heart of Worship during challenging times!

The Heart of Worship during challenging times! When facing tragedy, we must prioritize our concentration! Our witness as believers becomes lackluster when we become preoccupied with self. When captivated with God, we find that looking at ourselves diminishes in the shadow of His glory. The preoccupation with self-fades immeasurably in the presence of the Holy.…
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Who Started the Wars?

Who started the Wars?  1948 Arab-Israel War Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Transjordan and Egypt Attacked First 1948 – 1967 Fedayeen (Arab guerillas) skirmishes, Sinai War (’56) Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Palestinian militants, Attacked First 1967 Six-Day War Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq Attacked First 1967 – 70 War of Attrition Egypt, Jordan, PLO and allies Attacked First 1973…
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The Abrahamic Covenant

The Abrahamic Covenant  The Land The tension is over the land.  Who owns this piece of real estate?  To begin to understand who owns the land, we need to look at the first book of the Bible, The Book of Genesis, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis. 1:1). Why does…
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You Matter!

“You Matter” “Whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world”. (Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5; Yerushalmi Talmud 4:9) Scientists say the probability of you existing at all comes out to 1 in 102,685,000  — yes, that’s a 10 followed by 2,685,000 zeroes!  The odds of you being alive are basically zero.…
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Planting Trees During War!

Planting Trees During War! Tu B’Shvat is a Jewish holiday occurring on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat (in 2024, Tu B’Shvat begins at sunset on January 24 and ends in the evening of January 25.) It is also called Rosh HaShanah La’Ilanot literally “New Year of the Trees”. Leviticus 19:23 –…
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Hope, Waiting!

Hope, Waiting! Waiting If there is one thing our culture hates, it’s waiting.  We want a quick fix to our problems and we want to have things now.  We want the title, degree, position, and accolades without the hard work involved to achieve such things – so we look for shortcuts. If our iPhone lose…
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A joy, once again, to hear from our friend, Abigale S. Hassel! Rededication Recently I experienced a situation in my professional life that ultimately led me to rededicate myself to the Lord. I had found myself in a position in which I needed to stand by my biblical principles. For that, I was fired, and…
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Why the Hatred?

Why the Hatred against Israel? Theologically a.  Nations will rise-up militarily against Israel in the latter years (Ezekiel 38, 39) – principally the nations that surround Israel geographically will be involved. b.  Eventually, all nations will turn against Israel. Even if the United States remains neutral when Israel is attacked, it is as though, in…
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Simchat Torah, Rejoicing in the Law!

Simchat Torah, Rejoicing in the Law: Simchat Torah, or Rejoicing in the Law celebrates the conclusion of weekly readings through the Torah (the five books of Moses) in the Synagogue.  The conclusion is by reading the last chapters of Deuteronomy and the beginning of Genesis. The annual reading of the Torah begins once again. Parading…
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